Saturday 12 November 2016

15 Things You Can Do With a Kettlebell

Any of my clients and former clients will confirm that I always tend to incorporate some form of kettlebell work into most sessions.


  1. There are some exercises which are only suitable for kettlebells
  2. Kettlebell variations of traditional gym exercises often add an element of skill to a workout
  3. Some kettlebell exercises and flows can allow your body to move freely unlike many traditional gym exercises

I have my own kettlebells at home and I am one of “those types” that enjoys spending my free time in the garden throwing them around and moving around through a variety of movements. I love kettlebells... there... I said it!

Here are 15 exercises that have helped me fall in love with kettlebells.

NOTE: If you’ve never had any in-person guidance with kettlebells then PLEASE do so. Do NOT use images in magazines (and blogs like this) as enough guidance.

2) Kettlebell Goblet Squats -

3) Double Kettlebell Push Press -

6) Kettlebell Clean and Press -

7) Single Kettlebell Front Squat -

8) Kettlebell Reverse Lunge -

9) Kettlebell Sumo Squat and High Pull -

10) Kettlebell Windmill -

14) Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift -

Or.. one of my favourite things to do (especially if you're short on time or doing a quick home workout) is a Kettlebell flow / complex like this: 
Click Here

They’re fun, different and challenging. If you DON’T use kettlebells on a weekly basis then you’re missing out!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter (@MichaelD_PT) and YouTube

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