Monday 4 July 2011

What ever happened to good old fashioned "Gym Etiquette"?...

I was talking to an older member at the gym last week and he said,
"What ever happened to good old fashioned 'Gym Etiquette'?..."

And it got me thinking. Perhaps it's the type of gyms that I'm more familiar with which are more sports-based or "spit n' sawdust" type gyms and less "health club" focused; but I too think there's a real lack of gym etiquette at times! (I'm sounding old now!)
So if you're new to the gym, don't think there's a problem with your gym or just need a refresher on desirable gym behaviour then here's the top 10 from my book...

1. (and this IS number one!) PUT YOUR WEIGHTS AWAY!
At the risk of sounding like someone's mum "Leave things how you'd like to find them!" We've all had the annoying times when you're walking around the gym like a simpleton, staring at the weights rack looking for the weight you need. How much better would it be if it was real easy to see if your weights were or weren't free?

2.Hold your tongue...
Why do so many people (mainly men) feel it necessary to swear at the gym ALL the time?... Is it the testosterone? The increased arousal levels? Or, just a chance to clean their tongue before they get home? Whatever it is, it's pointless and really annoying. Swearing doesn't make you cool, make you a "tough guy" or make you lift any better so leave it at the door.

3. Don't throw weights around...
Why would you throw a weight or drop it from such an unnecessary height? I've seen people throw weights so hard that I thought to myself "If you can throw them that hard, you could probably have used that energy for another 2 reps!?.." Sure, sometimes things get heavy but at least make SOME effort to lower them near to the floor. It's safer for you and others around you. Plus it's much less annoying!

4. Don't throw YOUR weight around..
This isn't the same as the previous point. This is more about intimidation in the gym. There is usually a real cross-section of gym goers in a gym at any time. Don't be one of the intimidating types that asks "How long have you got left on there!?.." and then hangs about to watch! Ask if you like but give people there space and don't rush their workout along (within reason!) Check that no one is using equipment before jumping on with your exercise and don't discuss others in the gym or stand watching others exercise. We all had our first time in the gym; they can be intimidating places so you don't need to add to the atmosphere!

5. Keep it moving...
Too many groups hang out on one piece of equipment for AGES! This isn't beneficial to their training and winds up all of the other members. Especially when they're camped on the bench press on a Monday for "International Bench Press Day". Use it, rest as you need, but don't just hog stuff and annoy everyone.

6. Remember: Mirrors are for safety...
I'm FAIRLY sure if you ask most gym goers why there are mirrors in the gym they will be able to explain that mirrors can be used for things such as checking technique on yourself and others and being aware of other around you when lifting. Mirrors are not JUST there for a pose down session in the middle of the gym. I neither want to hear, nor see, who has the best abs out for you and your pals! Especially when you're blocking me checking my form - GET OUT OF THE WAY!!

7. Keep your eyes to yourself...
Sure, we're always learning. And, as I always say, no one knows everything. BUT, there's observing and learning from others discreetly and there's staring at others in order to 1.Critique their exercise or form, 2. Check your manliness by seeing which weights they use and comparing to yours or 3. Staring to steal exercises (do it with some subtlety). All 3 of these are, in my mind, unacceptable.

8. Stay OFF your phone...
No one cares about what you and your pals are up to. What he said to her and what she said back. What sort of a state you were in at the weekend or which of your friends has annoyed you. If you MUST communicate with the outside world when you SHOULD be exercising send a quick text, or if you need to talk, do it outside if the gym quickly. It's annoying, off-putting and unnecessary.

9. Keep it clean...
If you've worn gym kit and sweated at all, don't wear it again until it's washed! If you've been at work all day and been warm, throw on some anti-perspirant before the gym and have a wash at least. There are too many people stinking up gyms and it gets even worse in the summer! Just be considerate to others and stay clean. Likewise, if you've sweated all over a piece of equipment, benches, cardio equipment, dumbbells or otherwise, WIPE-IT-DOWN!! Don't be a wrong'n!

10. Look right, look left, look right again...
Be aware of who and what's around you. It's SO frustrating to have a pair of dumbbells in your hand and while you're trying to make your way to your station a "mirror monkey" is posing it up or a group are standing in the way chatting away and blocking your way. It's not just "gym etiquette", it's just straight forward good manners. Be considerate to others.Keep your eyes to yourself...

Hold on.. there's one more. It's going to have to be a non-conventional "Top 11" article...

11. Keep the mouse in the house...
Until I spoke with female members at my gym, I assumed this was a male-only issue but I now know it to be a unisex problem! Dear naked guy in the changing room, PLEASE don't strut about with your shmackle swinging about the place. Don't stand parading naked in front of a mirror. Don't stand drying your under-carriage with hairdryers and don't "dust your gizzard" (excessively talcum powder your genitals) all over the place and make my possessions look like antiques! What confuses me is, this is often the behaviour of the less "in-shape" folk anyway? Changing rooms are still a confusing place!

Bit of a rant yes, but these, in my mind are the top... 11 things that all gym-folk should adhere to - young and old, newby and regulars, it's just common courtesy!

DON'T FORGET... You can follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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